How to Select the Best Home Business??

Various Opportunities Discussed And Criticized Here

Friday, March 17, 2006

What is Residual Income.

As you surf the net, you will come across a wide variety of business opportunities. Invariably, each one will claim to have the best compensation plan available and many will claim to offer “residual income”. However, a cursory examination of many of these pay plans will reveal that, although there may be a very real earning opportunity, it cannot truly be described as residual income.
What exactly is residual income? Simply put, residual income can be defined as any payment system where you receive regular, ongoing payments as a result of a single sale. The frequency of the payments may vary – they could be weekly, monthly, quarterly etc. – but they are regular and ongoing with no further selling activity once the initial sale has been made.
Ideally, your customer will automatically renew each week/month without any requirement for action (effort) by either your or your customer. In this case, the mechanics of the reorder process have a critical bearing upon your earning capabilities. For true residual income, the reorder process should be automatic as described above. This is not simply a matter of semantics or a pedantic definition. There are several reasons why you should target genuine residual income.
Many people who set up their own small home business do so with the express intent of eventually replacing their salary. Due to the regular nature of the payments, residual income is ideal for this. In fact, it’s considerably better than having a salary as you continue to get paid for work that was done in the past.
If your customer needs to take some action to reorder then, even with a consumable product that needs to be replenished periodically, there is a "break point" in the process. The customer may decide to economise and do without the product that month, they may decide to use one of your (many) competitors or they might just simply forget to order.
With an automated reorder system on the other hand, your customer needs to make a positive effort not to reorder. It’s a well known fact that customers who pay for products and services by subscription are much more loyal and less likely to cancel. Even if they do decide to opt out they tend to delay this for longer than they would otherwise.
Now you know about it too – take advantage if you possibly can. Finally – and let’s not kid ourselves here – many people don’t like selling. There are ways round this and it’s possible to minimise the discomfort some people feel – but it’s still there at some level for many of us.
While understanding What is Residual Income it is also very necessary to understand the difference between Purchase and Investment. Residual Income can be earned with both Investment and Purchase. Investment of say 10$ gives you only an opportunity to conduct a Home Based Business and earn Residual Income but Purchase of same 10$ helps you to buy some product and at the same time conduct a Home Based Business leading to Residual Income. This means with Purchase the Business Opportunity comes free. Better opt for purchases than investment.

Download Free a MUST READ 12 pages PDF for old or new Networkers by Winston WU titled "The Truth behind the Smoke and Mirrors of MLM and Network Marketing". Once you are through, you will realize GDI is different and the best.


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