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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Tired of Buying and Reading Useless PDFs or Ebooks??

Back to School, Education and knowledge has no age. When this line is uttered, any wild ideas as to in what context this line was addressed to.
Earlier it used to be Actual Books, now we have something called as Ebooks. There are Ebooks on practically everything. The other day I came accross a site which markets Ebook on How to Win a Horse Race. Now thats what i call an amaizing writeup, a 135 pages Ebook.
Lets concentrate our discussion more on Home Business. 8 out of 10 internet business emails that i receive are pertaining to selling Ebooks. Everyday there are atleast 13 to 14 new Ebooks that i come accross as an average marketer. According to me one of the most largely sold Topic is Crack Google AdSense. Just type Google AdSense in the Google Search Bar and you will be shocked at the amount of Ebooks being circulated on the net. If you want Traffic to your site theres an Ebook, If you want to Advertise Effectively theres an Ebook, If you want to improve your search rank theres an Ebook.
Along with this Ebooks in majority of the cases there will be a big list of funny softwares which will be given complimentary and it will be yours to keep even if you order your money back. "The books are sold at discounted price only for next 5 days after which the prices will shoot up" After 5 days, opps i mean after 5 years too you will be sold the book at the same price with same caption of Discounted price for next 5 days. Coming to the Dozens of other softwares that come free, look around the web and you will find them already being circulated free on the net.
Every Ebook comes with a 30 days or 40 days money back guarantee. The Money Back Guarantee is another stunt to kill your thinking. Whos gonna loose? Naturally you the subscriber, in terms of Exchange rates by Credit Cards, Fees by Paypals.
Now How many people think that these Ebooks really helps to build a massive income. I know the count, you too can count them in terms of 5 to 6 Testimonials on the Site. Do not know but think theres a testimonial fraud..A will praise B's product on B's Website and B will praise A's product on A's website.
Now comes the main part: The next line which i may incorporate may not be liked by Internet Gurus or by Companies who market these Ebooks say Clickbank for instance.
PLEASE NOTE THAT Every Ebook sold on the site will have an affiliate program associated with it wherein they pay 25 to 40% of the amount to the affiliate who sold that Ebook say whose cost is $100. Now would it not be better for me to first register as an affiliate, get my affiliate link, then buy the Ebook worth $100 from my affiliate URL and then get $40 back as affiliate commision? Why the heck should i buy the Ebook from some other affiliate URL. Only exception being multilevel commisions which unfortunately is missing in this Ebook Business.
Will this issue ever be addressed by Ebook owners or Ebook Marketers? NO & why should they? They wanted their 60% and they got it. I Pay to Google, I pay to MSN, I pay to Yahoo for getting my share of 40% just to find out that the smart buyer created his own affiliate account and paid net 60% to Ebook Marketer (Clickbank etc) at your advertising cost and what did you get? Nothing.....
Another Truth: Can you term this Ebooks Selling Business as a Residual Income Earner. Absoloutely not. You get commision only if you sale that particular month means a same customer cannot regenerate an income for you unlike other opportunities GDI in particular.
Conclusion: If people consider Pyramid marketing as a scam, Ebook marketing is another scam. Talking about Google AdSense the hottest Topic for Ebooks . Google AdSense Help site talks all for free. Do a search on Google AdSense Help Blogs, they say all, then why should i Pay $100 for 200 pages bullshit. Receive Junk emails every now and then about Author's visits to different places and meeting different people and every email trying to sell his one or the other new useless product.
Wake up friends.. The alarm is already ringing.

Download Free a MUST READ 12 pages PDF for old or new Networkers by Winston WU titled "The Truth behind the Smoke and Mirrors of MLM and Network Marketing". Once you are through, you will realize GDI is different and the best.


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